Sunday, 5 May 2019

See you at tea-time!

Weather is set fair - not too cold and the wood is not too wet after yesterday's showers. No rain forecast for today so see you later!

New map here

Thursday, 2 May 2019

The weather looks set to be fine!

It looks like its going to be a lovely weekend to be in the woods.

Really looking forward to seeing you!

Instructions on how to find us and links to driving, parking and public transport suggestions are all here

We shall have sandwiches, tea, cake, home brew cider and some soft drinks. No need to bring a thing! But those who want to bring yet more cake, alcohol that is perhaps a little more trustworthy than our cider or even something to burn cook on a bonfire are welcome to do so.

If you haven't been before, then it really is a wood. In the middle of one to be precise. That means there are nettles and brambles, mud if its wet and dirt if its dry. It also means that its wise to print out the instructions on the post linked above. Phone connection is at best weak and intermittent and sometimes becomes non existent in the wood itself. That said, if you do get lost then do give me a ring. You should have my number, but if not then do email me.

But it will be dry and fun and full of bluebells.

See you soon!

Saturday, 27 April 2019

Cold and wet today but not for long!

The weather looks to be good for next weekend and I'm looking forward to seeing friends in the woods.

A few weeks ago the wood anemone and primroses looked lovely

and now the bluebells are out in force. See you soon and watch this space !

I've been baking.....

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

All cleared up

Heather and I made sure there was almost no sign of the party the next day. Just the embers gently burning in the firepit.

Was so lovely to see everyone there. We will do something again before too long. Maybe bluebell time next year? See you in May!

Jasmin and Pawel made a movie.....

Thank you all for coming to Silver Wood!

Lots of people came, some from quite a long way away! It was lovely to see you all, we had a great time, and hope you did too. We took some photos.....

Saturday, 1 September 2018

Party on!

The weather looks good and the Silver Wood is waiting for you!

Follow the arrows

And we will see you at the end of the path !

Things to bring; well, nothing essential really. But its a wood (brambles, mud etc), so old clothes obviously. There are some benches (aka bits of wood) to sit on but feel free to bring camping chairs if you want. We seriously need to off-load our home made cider and there will be a continuous kettle boil for tea but if you want to bring other drink then please do. I have been letting my inner GBBO free so we have some cake and Heather is making a tray of her lovely cheese scones so we are well provided with nice things. But we can light a fire if you want to BBQ (self-burn only) and bring more cake is a pretty good rule for life. Oh, and don't forget to print out the map......

See you soon!